What choir means to me, by Lucy Owen

To me, choir is peace and song, laughter and silence, jokes and prayer.  There are so many unspoken moments that are made more beautiful by the quiet surrounding them.  At other times, our free laughter is the crowning jewel of the moment. Choir is one of the only time that I experience total peace.  Our beautiful music is my bridge to God, it lifts me out of this world and into the next.  Sharing our songs, especially while travelling, is simply wonderful.  The feeling I get singing praises to the Lord is literally out of this world.  I am so blessed to call this amazing group my family.

-Lucy Owen

One thought on “What choir means to me, by Lucy Owen

  1. Oh, Lucy, you made your grandmother cry. What beautiful thoughts, so beautifully expressed. You are wise beyond your years. I love you.


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